
 "Never rest in serving Jehovah. If problem comes your way. GO ON! If people try to destroy your FAITH, HOLD ON! As long as Jah is there, there will always be a light, a hope, and a way." -japhetCariaga

"Being a COMPLETE Christian is not h-just based on seen ZEALOUSNESS in the field ministry, but also, on how he finds delight to be strengthening aid and source of encourangement for feelow Christians in the congregation. 1Peter4:10" - shelOgoy

"rose is a beautiful flower when seeing such plant, it's the flower that first attracts us, not the thorns of it! An example on how to view our fellow JW. Phil.2:4" -lydielConsigo

"life can be happier and less stressful if we remember one simple thought..we can't have all that we desire but JEHOVAH will give us all that we deserve." -sheenCariaga